Volume 6 Number 60

Subjects Discussed In This Issue: 

Hot Water Heaters
         [Len Moskowitz]
Jews and Sports (don't laugh, Purim is over)
         [Avi Hyman]
Job in Israel in Educational Software
         [Pnina Weissman]
         [R Katz]
         [Yosef Bechhofer]
Orthodox minyan in a non-orthodox synagague
         [Jonathan B. Horen]
Raising goats in Israel
         [Warren Burstein]


From: Len Moskowitz <moskowit@...>
Date: Tue, 9 Mar 93 17:03:38 -0500
Subject: Re: Hot Water Heaters

Zev Farkas writes:

> from what i have heard, (you would do well to verify this with your local
> posek) the problem with using hot tap water on shabbat is not so much with
> the possibility that you will cause the thermostat to kick in, but that
> the cold water comming into the tank will be halachically "cooked" as it
> comes into contact with the hot water already in the tank.  this applies
> even if the burner or heating element (as the case may be) is off at 
> the time.

Thanks to all the folks who responded to my post I think we've come up
with a way to provide warm water on Shabbat besides solar heaters and
natural hot springs.  I welcome comments on the following:

	An electric hot water heater is put on a timer and its
	thermostat is retarded to a temperature below "yad soledet bo"
	relieving the problem of cooking.  The timer serves to turn the
	heating element on while the thermostat serves only to turn the
	heater off.  Using hot water while the timer is off does not
	cause the heater to turn on.  Using hot water while it's on only
	prolongs the heating cycle.

	The practical problem remains that an electric heater is
	inefficient and more costly to operate than a gas heater.  In my
	case, the reason for replacing our hot water heater is its
	insufficient capacity -- we have a large family and at least
	three of us enjoy extended showers and baths.  There's never
	enough hot water!  A single large electric heater would be too

	Our planned solution (so far) is to run the existing medium
	sized gas heater in series with a new medium sized electric
	heater.  The gas heater is first and followed by the electric
	heater.  During the week both operate providing the extra
	capacity but easing the cost of operating a single large
	electric heater.  During periods of heavy use the gas water
	heater acts as a pre-heater for the electric one.  On Shabbat
	the gas heater is turned off (or down to its pilot), the
	electric heater's thermostat is turned down, and the timer

This sounds good so far.  Any comments?
Len Moskowitz


From: <AJHYMAN@...> (Avi Hyman)
Date: Tue, 9 Mar 1993 16:58:00 -0500
Subject: Jews and Sports (don't laugh, Purim is over)

All those lovely Purim stories (Halacha and football), ha ha ha!  Well
here's one for you... I am doing my doctoral thesis on Jews and Sports!
I am investigating the institutionalized (YMYWHAs/JCCs) use of athletics
by Jews, particularly since there is a certain conception that sports
and Judaism don't mix.  Clearly, Peter Levine in his recently published
volume "From Ellis Island to Ebbett's Field" revives the religiocultural
(I dare say Halachik) taboos on sport.  When I do get around to it, a
"chapter" of my thesis will have to deal with thenotions of sports and
physical activity in Halacha and religious thought.  I am hoping that
there may be some JewishMailListers who are interested in thisaspect of
my study and can get me started by discussing such a topic (always
giving references - I don't understand all the shortforms, so could you
write them out).  Of course, if anyone is interested in any other aspect
of Jews and Sport (sociology, history, etc.) I would be glad to

Avi Jacob Hyman, Dept. of History, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education


From: <davidr@...> (Pnina Weissman)
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 93 20:03:57 -0500
Subject: Job in Israel in Educational Software

Hi, my name is Pnina Weissman and I am currently finishing a Masters
at Columbia Teachers College in Computers in Education. I am hoping to
be making aliyah this summer and am interested in finding out if
anyone knows anything about the field of Educational Software in
Israel -- and if there are any jobs, or at least contacts and
people to speak to. As an undergrad I was Com-Sci major at Barnard
so I have a technical background and can write code.
If you have any information you can send it to me at my email
address PLW_JBBL%<CUTCV2.bitnet@...> or to my fiance
at <davidr@...> (David Rosenstark)
Thanks in advance.


From: <RKATZ@...> (R Katz)
Date: Thu, 4 Mar 93 13:11:25 -0500
Subject: Re: Lice

This is a quote from the Merck Manual, also called the Cliff's Notes to
Medicine.  Lice is common among schoolchildren without regard to social
status (my whole class had it).  Diagnosis is simple if infestation is
considered and the scalp is inspected, preferably with a lens.  Small,
ovoid, greyish-white nits (ova/eggs) are seen fixed to the hair shafts,
sometimes in great numbers; unlike scales (dandruff), they cannot be
dislodged.  The nits mature in 3 to 14 days. Lice may be found, less
frequently than the nits, around the occiput (base of head) and behind
the ears.  Cure is rapid with 1% gamma benzene hexachloride applied once
a day for 2 days in shampoo, cream, or lotion form.  Application may be
repeated in 10 days to destroy any nits that survived, but prolonged
application of parasiticides should be avoided, especially in males.
Clean sources of infection (hats, combs, clothing, bedding) by boiling,
thorough laundering and steam pressing, or dry cleaning.  Recurrence is


your source for animal sheilot


From: <YOSEF_BECHHOFER@...> (Yosef Bechhofer)
Date: Fri, 5 Mar 93 00:30:19 -0500
Subject: Misc.

1) Answering to Conservative Altered Berachos

        Such a bracha would not fit the requirement of -matbe'a she'tav'u
Chachamim b'brachos- (the formula that Chazal formulated in a bracha), is
ttherefore NOT a bracha, but rather mention of G-d's name in vain, and hence
one cannot answer Amen to such berachos.

2) Orthodox Minyan in Conservative Synagouge

        As I understand Reb Moshe's teshuva, it is not forbidden for
individuals to daven at such a minyan, rather the organizers transgress a
distinct issur for maintaining a Beis HaKnesses in a Conservative Synagouge.

3) Berachos by Non Orthodox

        The relevant Igros Moshe's are: Orach Chaim 3:12 and 21. The
generally accepted psak is that if the individuals in question believe
in Hashem and that they are davening to Him, they may be part of a
minyan, and one may respond to their berachos.


From: Jonathan B. Horen <horen@...>
Date: Thu, 4 Mar 93 18:52:28 -0500
Subject: Re: Orthodox minyan in a non-orthodox synagague

> The original question on this topic mentioned Congregation Torah ba-Midbar
> in Santa Fe, NM.

The Rav of Santa Fe, NM is named Shlomo Goldberg. I had the pleasure of
being a bachur [student - Mod.] at Yeshivat Aish HaTorah, together with
him, during the 1980-81 time period. I remember him as being an ehrliche
Yid -- serious, but with an easy smile on his face. His learning was
strong, and his yira/emuna [fear of G-d/faith - Mod.] were even

And we used to sing zmirot and Kinky Friedman songs together (the two
of us together, not necessarily the zmirot and Kinky Friedman songs :-)

 Jonathan B. Horen          | Tel: (415) 493-4122     | Torat Moshe emet
 Senior Technical Writer    | FAX: (415) 493-3393     | u-n'vuato, baruch
 Operations Control Systems | email: <horen@...> | adey ad shem
 Palo Alto, CA  94306       |                         | tehilato.


From: <warren@...> (Warren Burstein)
Date: Tue, 9 Mar 93 8:16:34 IST
Subject: Re: Raising goats in Israel

>Interesting sha'alah has come up. The Mishna (I believe B"K 79b) states
>that one may not raise "behemot dakot" (basically, sheep and goats) in
>Eretz Yisrael.

I have always wondered where they got the animals for the Korban Pesach
from (in the event that this ruling was made before the destruction of
the Temple).  I would imagine that it would not be difficult to get
the small number of sheep and goats required for communal sacrifices,
but it would seem difficult to me to import sufficient sheep and goats
for the entire population.


End of Volume 6 Issue 60